On Saturday, March 26, the troop visited Riverside Stables for some horsing around fun. The girls learned a lot about horses and completed several activites for the Girl Scout Horse Fan badge. Each gril was able to ride a horse, groom and feed a horse, assist in putting on a saddle and cleaning the horse's hoof. A lot of exclamations was heard about horse riding lessons and horse camp. In all a great time was had by all.
Enjoying the horses
Learning about the contents of a tack box
Learning about a horse's markings
The girls also enjoyed playing with the stable's many cats
Om Sumday, March 13, the Troop hosted a cookie both at the local Lowe's store. It was a very successful day in that the girls sold over 230 boxes of cookies in a 4-hour time span. The girls are quite the cookie-sellers!
Angela, Mati and Zoe are ready to greet their customers Alexis and Natalie show off their favorites
Nina and Anneliese take their turn
Anneliese, Amanda and Nina give the thumbs up on selling cookies
On March 7, the Girl Scout cookies arrived. The troop as a whole sold 147 cases of cookies, including 10 cases of Operation Cookie Share. That's a lot of cases to be picked up, sorted and delivered. The top selling cookie for the troop was the Caramel DeLites.
Cases of cookies waiting to be sorted
Sorted cookies waiting to be picked up for customer delivery